Circus Knie Tent Setup

Posted: May 9th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Blog | Tags: | Comments Off on Circus Knie Tent Setup

Zirkus Knie Timelapse tilt shift from on Vimeo.

A few years ago I traveled with a circus friend and was able to see Circus Knie in a beautiful Swiss town. After the performance was over we got to see the real show – watching the teardown! I think it took about 2 hours for the crews to completely disassemble the tent, load everything on lorries and get it all on the road to the next town.  Very impressive!  At the time I was living in New York  after several years on the road with circuses – the most recent being in Oklahoma with a long & disorganized takedown and long drives between towns.  I was so impressed that Knie’s system was so efficient and I was also jealous that their travel between shows was so short (small country, you know….). Anyway – saw this link on swissmiss and it took me back a few years…